Slowly but surely, physician EHR adoption rates are on the rise. Research results reported last month by SK&A, A Cegedim Company, shows that overall adoption is at 40%, a 2% rise since October of 2010. The highest adoption levels come from practices owned by hospitals and health systems at 60%, which is a 6% increase since October. The research is based on telephone survey of 237,562 U.S. medical sites. The report updates metrics from October of 2010 to July of 2011 for “Physician Office Usage of Electronic Healthcare Records Software” across a variety of categories including by number of physicians at site by number of exam rooms at site by average daily patient volume by application by site ownership by region by medical specialty by state If your medical practice is ready to make a move to EHR and needs help evaluating options, contact the EHR specialists at Harmony Healthcare IT.