
Stay updated with health data management news and insights shared by the Harmony Healthcare IT team.


#ComplianceOfficerDay Recognizes Those Dedicated to Doing the Right Thing

There are not enough hours in one day to recognize all of the areas healthcare Chief Compliance...

Sep 23 5 min read
Compliance Officer Highlighter

Five Data Archiving Features for Compliance Officers

Healthcare Compliance Officers have a broad role to maintain regulatory and legal best practices within their organization....

Feb 01 5 min read
Doctors Hand Taking a Blood Sample

COVID-19 and Beyond: Medical Labs and the Long-Term Role of...

Medical labs are in the spotlight during the COVID-19 pandemic. We all need information about the virus...

Apr 22
IHI Quadruple Aim for Healthcare

Active Archive Supports the Quadruple Aim in Healthcare

Measuring success in healthcare is not new. Years ago, there were six widely accepted healthcare quality factors...

Mar 10 4 min read
Street sign saying Archive pointing in a direction

As Epic Software Hold Grows, So Too Does Need for...

Yesterday, millions of viewers tuned in to the CBS News Sunday Morning story on Epic, a company...

Feb 24
DNA Genome 3D

The Promise of Precision Medicine and the Need It Creates...

Precision medicine – a model of healthcare treatment that takes into consideration the genes, environment and lifestyle...

Feb 11
Walgreens Retail Location

Retail Health Clinics Offer Quick, Quality Service and Opportunity for...

It’s Saturday night, you’re achy with an intense sore throat, and strep has been going around. Do...

Sep 04
Resuscitating Man On Road With Dog

Health Records Must Survive a Hospital or Medical Practice Closure...

Hospital closures have become a steady trend in healthcare. Not surprisingly, the impact seems to be lying squarely...

Aug 22 3 min read

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