There are not enough hours in one day to recognize all of the areas healthcare Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) and their teams are focused on. Our team sends sincere appreciation on Compliance Officer Day (Sept. 26) for Chief Compliance Officers, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officers and all those who oversee the regulations, policies and procedures within their organizations. From a health information standpoint, this includes a strong focus on ensuring the integrity, security, find-ability and interoperability of health information. Whether it’s for an audit, legal investigation or to share information with other health providers or consumers within the 21st Century Cures Act guidelines, the CCO’s contribution is vital to the overall health of the organization. The Harmony Healthcare IT team supports healthcare compliance by migrating historical patient, employee and business records from disparate legacy systems into a secure and accessible active archive. Our active archive products, HealthData Archiver® and HealthData AR Manager™, ensure legal and compliance teams can retain required records for the duration of the retention period, mitigate legal and security risks and define a long-term data governance that maximizes technology to secure records in a HIPAA-compliant format. Five Fast Facts about how HealthData Archiver® supports healthcare compliance efforts Search Ease– Legacy data is stored in a secure and searchable active archive. Record Retention Compliance – Supports plan to comply with compliance regulations at all levels; state, federal and by specialty. Security – HITRUST Certified processes to secure legacy data and not leave it vulnerable in legacy, often unsupported servers. Audit Trails – Rights and activities can be restricted and audited by user, role, group and data domain/source. With third-party auditing integration, unusual activity may be monitored to prevent internal threats. Break the Glass – Protects the privacy and security of all medical records – including those of high-profile patients. For more information about how HealthData Archiver® supports CCOs, check out this blog. Also, don’t miss our new ebook, published by AHIMA: How to Manage Legacy Data in the Age of Information Blocking. Ranked #1 for Data Archiving, Data Extraction and Migration for the third year in a row by Black Book™ Research, the Harmony Healthcare IT team has worked with hundreds of EMR/ERP software brands, archiving billions of records and storing petabytes of data. We migrate and archive records across the care continuum – for hospitals, health systems, pharmacies, clinics, labs, blood banks, home health care, long-term care, and more. We move data where it is needed. We support the efforts of CCOs who need a data management partner who literally checks all the boxes. We’re ready to talk about how we can support your compliance program on #ComplianceOfficerDay and every day. Let’s connect.