Responsive Support for The Medical Manager® Software


Harmony Healthcare IT provides personalized support for 3,000 providers on Medical Manager® software, addressing issues and challenges.

Responsive Support for Medical Manager

The Harmony Healthcare IT (HHIT) team supports about 3,000 providers on The Medical Manager® software. On a percentage basis, that’s a pretty good portion of the users still scheduling and billing with Medical Manager today. These are providers that sought us out to provide support for one of a few reasons:

  • they were not satisfied with the service they were getting from alternative vendors
  • they did not want to invest to upgrade or change systems just to meet industry mandates
  • they did not want to be forced to use one particular claims clearinghouse to send claims and patient statements (due to features, support issues or cost)

So, what makes HHIT different as a support provider? Our people.

There are certain attributes we look for in every hire we make—positivity, patience, and problem solving. If we’re certain these attributes exist in each of our employees who man our 800-number, then, we’re certain you’ll have an above average experience with our help desk when you call. We strive to provide personalized support services for every “how to” Medical Manager question, every system error and every claims clearinghouse challenge.

Feedback that we’ve received from our clients suggest that we’re delivering on our brand promise of “relationships, responsiveness, results.”

Jeff Yanasak, from Top Tier IT out of Fort Myers, FL, recently relayed to us some kudos for Todd Porter, an HHIT support technician. “Todd is amazing,” Yanasak says. “He provides premier support. We really enjoy working with him and would recommend him and Harmony Healthcare IT.”

Another accolade came in about Gail Hearne, one of HHITs senior application specialists. Previous co-owner and president of Direct Billing Associates, Marilyn Smith, out of Auburndale, MA wrote “Gail was absolutely a life-saver on so many occasions. She always followed through, answered our questions quickly and was incredible!” Smith went on to add “We have been in business for 23 years, and Harmony Healthcare IT and Gail Hearne were the best choices we ever made for support.”

Personalized and quality service is provided from people who possess the attributes we look for in each of our hires. They understand the industry, the technical challenges and – perhaps most importantly – they know how critical it is to resolve issues so that you can get on with your day and tend to patients.

At Harmony Healthcare IT, we are fortunate to have senior analysts on our team with over twenty years of technical experience and application competency. Our resources are on-call, 24/7, to support your needs. The results they deliver keep your cash flowing and your patient information secure – all at an affordable rate.

For more information about improving patient collections, please contact Harmony Healthcare IT, the makers of Health Data Archiver.

Aug 03 2016

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