Looking for an electronic health record solution that will allow you to KEEP your Medical Manager practice management software? Look no further. Join <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/">Harmony Healthcare IT</a> for a webinar on Thur., 2/16/12 at 11am EST for a 30-min. overview on how to achieve EHR meaningful use using The Medical Manager software. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/ehr-meaningful-use-for-the-medical-manager-practice-management-software/#more-1441" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading EHR Meaningful Use for The Medical Manager Practice Management Software">(more…)</span></a>
Many physicians have funded their electronic health record (EHR) purchases with the CMS meaningful use incentive payments. Take a look at this article, written by Joseph Goedert and published by Health Data Management earlier this month. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/subsidizing-ehr-purchases-with-meaningful-use-dollars/#more-1381" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Subsidizing EHR Purchases with Meaningful Use Dollars">(more…)</span></a>
<em>Excerpted from a report by Health Data Management</em>: Legislation introduced in the U.S. House and initially sponsored by nearly three-quarters of the Republican caucus clearly appears to seek repeal of the Medicare/Medicaid electronic health record meaningful use incentive payment programs. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/gop-bill-puts-meaningful-use-hitech-act-in-peril/#more-1302" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading GOP Bill Puts Meaningful Use & HITECH Act in Peril">(more…)</span></a>
The Boston Globe published <a title="Boston Globe Article on Docs going Digital" href="http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2010/05/04/for_some_doctors_national_computerized_medical_records_dont_pay/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">this article</a> discussing how some doctors are not stampeding to go digital, regardless of governmental incentives to spur a nationwide rollout of electronic health records (EHR). <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/boston-globe-article-about-doctors-going-digital/#more-1240" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Boston Globe Article About Doctors Going Digital">(more…)</span></a>
The Senate Finance Committee today released the draft of a jobs bill that removes a ban against physicians in hospital-based outpatient clinics from participating in the health IT incentives in the HITECH Act. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/draft-bill-expands-ehr-incentives-to-outpatient-docs/#more-1186" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Draft Bill Expands EHR Incentives to Outpatient Docs">(more…)</span></a>
In sharp contrast to advice from Stephen Lieber, president and CEO of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), that <a title="HHIT Blog on emr rollout for stimulus" href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/blog/2009/02/19/stimulus-demands-quick-rollout-of-emr/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">now is the time to begin planning the roll out of electronic health records</a>; <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/mgma-ceo-advises-to-take-it-slow-on-stimulus/#more-1103" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading MGMA CEO Advises to Take It Slow on Stimulus">(more…)</span></a>
As you re-define the information technology strategy for your healthcare organization, you may find the HIMSS Summary of Key Health Information Technology Provisions of The Merical Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 particularly useful. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/himss-it-provision-summary-of-american-recovery-and-reinvestment-act/#more-1100" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading HIMSS IT Provision Summary of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act">(more…)</span></a>