A Message from Dr. David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, marks 2011 as the year when medical care entered a new era – the age of meaningful use of health information. Read the letter now to learn more. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/blumenthal-letter-on-meaningful-use-of-health-information/#more-1312" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Blumenthal Letter on Meaningful Use of Health Information">(more…)</span></a>
The <a href="http://onc-chpl.force.com/ehrcert" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Certified HIT Product List (CHPL)</a> provides the authoritative, comprehensive listing of Complete EHRs and EHR Modules that have been tested and certified under the Temporary Certification Program maintained by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC). <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/onc-publishes-certified-hit-product-list/#more-1289" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading ONC Publishes Certified HIT Product List">(more…)</span></a>
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator of Health IT (ONC) has released a frequently-asked-questions document aimed at clearing up confusion around meaningful use of EHRs. Read the questions and answers here.
<p class="onc-body">The following organizations have been selected as The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)-Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies (ATCBs) for electronic health records (EHR): <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/onc-authorized-ehr-testing-and-certification-bodies/#more-1273" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading ONC-Authorized EHR Testing and Certification Bodies">(more…)</span></a></p>
The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourage public comment on two regulations issued on December 30, 2009 that lay a foundation for improving quality, <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/cms-and-onc-issue-regulations-proposing-a-definition-of-meaningful-use-and-setting-standards-for-ehr/#more-1184" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading CMS and ONC Issue Regulations Proposing a Definition of Meaningful Use and Setting Standards for EHR">(more…)</span></a>