The following organizations have been selected as The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)-Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies (ATCBs) for electronic health records (EHR): Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) – Chicago, Ill. Date of authorization: September 3, 2010. Scope of authorization: Complete EHR and EHR Modules. Drummond Group, Inc. (DGI) – Austin, Texas. Date of authorization: September 3, 2010. Scope of authorization: Complete EHR and EHR Modules. InfoGard Laboratories, Inc. – San Luis Obispo, CA Date of authorization: September 24, 2010. Scope of authorization: Complete EHR and EHR Modules. The organizations listed above have been authorized to perform Complete EHR and/or EHR Module testing and certification. These ONC-ATCBs are required to test and certify EHRs to the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary under subpart C of Part 170 Part II and Part III as stipulated in the Standards and Certification Criteria Final Rule. Certification by an ATCB will signify to eligible professionals, hospitals, and critical access hospitals that an EHR technology has the capabilities necessary to support their efforts to meet the goals and objectives of meaningful use.