Harmony Healthcare IT, a technology solution provider for healthcare organizations, has partnered with ZirMed for revenue cycle management. Here are the Top 10 reasons healthcare providers choose ZirMed: 1. Total Solution – ZirMed is a total revenue cycle management partner, helping practices manage payer-based reimbursements and patient payments … in one solution. Clients can view and manage the financial side of healthcare quickly and easily, allowing providers to focus on patient care. 2. Reliability – Day in and day out, ZirMed’s systems process billions of dollars worth of transactions. With double and often triple redundancy, and all data stored for several years, ZirMed’s reliability is unquestioned and often used as an industry example of high performance and reliability. 3. Simplicity – Everything about ZirMed is designed to make workflows and lives easier and simpler. Solutions are designed to be easy to use, and the client support team answers the phone when it rings, with domestic, knowledgeable staff that can translate complex issues into easy-to-understand actionable advice. 4. Proven ROI – ZirMed serves more than 100,000 healthcare providers, and typically saves or generates $10,000 – $30,000 per provider per year. 5. Client Support – With more than half of ZirMed’s employees dedicated to client services, it’s no surprise that ZirMed is consistently recognized for outstanding client support, such as its #1 ranking for Overall Satisfaction in KLAS (reference via footnote: KLAS’ 2010 report “Ambulatory Clearinghouse: Loaded Results and Broad Choices for Providers) 6. Technology – ZirMed invests millions of dollars every year in research and development to ensure that its solutions are easy to use, fast and reliable. 7. Streamlined Workflow – By ensuring ZirMed’s solutions are built for ease of use and maximum impact, users’ daily workflows get easier and faster. 8. Client Base – ZirMed serves more than 100,000 healthcare providers at more than 20,000 locations, covering all aspects of healthcare including hospitals, physician practices, ambulatory surgical centers, durable medical equipment providers, billing services, chiropractors, physical therapists, laboratories and more. 9. Industry Expertise – ZirMed was one of the first, if not the first, company to process an insurance claim over the internet in 1999. Today, ZirMed processes more than 5 million transactions and statements every month, and employees serve on major industry workgroups and help shape industry guidelines and regulations. 10. Vision and Culture – ZirMed’s vision is to revolutionize the business of healthcare and cure administrative costs by applying innovative, creative and flexible technology solutions. It’s a big idea that translates into saving billions of dollars, one nickel at a time. For more information how your organization can get enrolled with ZirMed, contact Harmony Healthcare IT.