That’s a Wrap on 2017


Harmony Healthcare IT adopts three St. Vincent DePaul Society families and delivers gifts to assisted living centers, emphasizing giving back.

Wrapping Gifts

With the holiday season in full force, we once again took the time to give back to those in the community who are less fortunate than ourselves. At Harmony Healthcare IT (HHIT) we continued the tradition from last year of adopting three families from the St. Vincent DePaul Society and singing to local assisted living centers. We wrapped up the year on a high note, sharing our singing voices and gifts to those in need.

“It was a cool experience to be able to give my time to help make someone’s day better.  I think the adopt-a-family is one of the best outreaches HHIT participates in, because having presents to unwrap really helps make Christmas more special.” says Solution Engineer, Jake Carson.

“The woman we delivered gifts to seemed truly thankful, and it is a good reminder that there are so many who are far less fortunate than we are.  What struck me is that what most of the families asked for were clothes and blankets — some of the most basic necessities.  That really indicates their level of need, and it shows how blessed we are when we have the means to give to them in that way.”

To all our employees, friends, families and clients– thank you for making 2017 successful. Here’s to a bright 2018 and a great holiday season.

Dec 26 2017

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