Forced fun, also known around offices everywhere as team building, often provokes a collective groan from the very crew you want to motivate. But what happens when you move the opportunity to connect outside of the corporate setting? It turns out that investing in experiences in untraditional environments leads to more organic bonding, increased employee engagement and, ultimately, maximized operational efficiency. Recently, Harmony Healthcare IT (HHIT) tested out this concept. Looking to congratulate the team on a great 2018 and energize for an even greater 2019, we went offsite. Michael Jordan references were made, pins were knocked down, hugs were shared, and laughs were had. And even though it didn’t feel like a day at the office, the knowledge that HHIT is a company that invests in its people will continue to positively impact the days, weeks, and months to come when we’re actually in the office. Ready to be part of a company that invests in its people? Connect with us.