< Back to Resource Library CHIME Exclusive: A Playbook for Data Archival Success Learn best practices for creating a successful legacy data archival strategy, including assembling the team, vendor selection, application prioritization, and process creation, in this webinar available only for CHIME members. Watch Here Suggested For You Tate Chronicles: Ft. Jim Hammer, Data Archiving and the 6 Phases of Data Lifecycle Solutions Legacy System Centralization for Continuity of Care, Workflow Efficiencies and Cost Savings HealthSystemCIO: Enterprise System Decommissioning and the Complexities of Managing Down the Portfolio Improving Care Through Data Maximizing Cost Savings with HealthData Archiver® Was the Resource Helpful? Talk to the experts. Harmony Healthcare IT is an award-winning data management firm with a proven ability to extract, migrate and archive data with 100% integrity.