Meaningful Use Survey Results from HIMSS


Survey shows federal government incentives effective in promoting EHR meaningful use, with 77% planning to comply by 2011.

It looks as if the incentives offered by the federal government for physicians to meet electronic health record (EHR) meaningful use standards are working.

In an online survey conducted by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), 77% of respondents indicated that they would pursue meaningful use incentives.

Here are some other highlights from the survey:

  • The majority of respondents (almost 75%) analyzed the impact of the incentives while approximately one third said they evaluated the financial impact of the penalties.
  • Less than one in 10 health care organizations reported currently having the capacity to maintain meaningful use compliance for 90 straight days. Another 10 percent predicted they would be able to do so by the beginning of 2011.
  • Most said they will achieve meaningful use in 2011 or 2012, but 5 percent noted that they wouldn’t attain compliance until 2013 or later.  Six percent communicated that they were unsure when they would achieve meaningful use.
  • Three-quarters of respondents have confirmed that their EHR vendor will seek certification. Less than one percent of respondents noted that their EHR vendor will not seek certification.
Sep 20 2010

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