On May 13th, a group of Harmony Healthcare IT (HHIT) employees will walk alongside their family, friends, and others in the community for the National Kidney Foundation—raising both money and awareness. The walk takes place at the Central Park & Riverwalk in Mishawaka, IN. At HHIT we will join forces to raise awareness about kidney disease while we also raise funds to support lifesaving programs for patients, their families and those at risk. Our data experts will come together to walk in solidarity for the HHIT team members whose family have personally been impacted by kidney disease. We will wear orange in honor of the National Kidney Foundation, while we walk for Mary Liddell, Darin Reed and all others affected by kidney diseases. Mary Liddell, the wife of HHIT CEO, Tom Liddell, is coming up on her four-year anniversary of receiving a kidney transplant. On June 29th, 2013, Mary received her transplant from her college roommate, Terese Kosse, at Indiana University Health– which also happens to be an HHIT client. Mary said right before the operation, her kidney function was down to 14 percent. Within hours, it was up to more than 50 percent. “I speak for myself and the other 26 million Americans affected by kidney disease when I say how very much I appreciate the support from our HHIT team as well as other local Mishawaka and South Bend residents,” says Mary Liddell. “I look forward to gathering and walking on May 13th to support the National Kidney Foundations’ efforts to educate the public and continue to raise funds for research.” Darin Reed, cousin of HHIT Business Analyst, Myrna Palmer, is a two-time kidney transplant recipient. Darin’s kidney donor is his sister Connie, and this really brought their immediate and extended family together in a great bond of love. They are extremely grateful for the support HHIT is providing for the National Kidney Foundation as it truly saves lives. To help support HHIT, Mary, Darin and the National Kidney Foundation: Walk with us Donate to our team