Where do Medical Manager users stand for 5010 readiness in light of (yet another) corporate sale? Vista Equity Partners today announced it has completed its acquisition of the Sage Healthcare Division from The Sage Group plc in an agreement that was announced on September 22, 2011. The new company will be called Vitera Healthcare Solutions (Vitera). As part of the closing of the transaction Betty Otter-Nickerson, former President of Sage Healthcare Division, has been replaced by a newly appointed CEO. This re-branding and change of leadership comes right before the impending 5010 deadline. By 1/1/12, Vitera will be challenged to ensure that it can ready its reportedly 400,000 healthcare professionals, including 80,000 physicians, for the mandated 5010 transition. Included in these numbers are tens of thousands of Medical Manager users who may or may not be “in the queue” for a software upgrade or patch. If you’re a Medical Manager user that needs to become 5010 compliant, contact Harmony Healthcare IT at (800)-781-1044. Join our community of Medical Manager users who are already sending and receiving 5010 files today by using an alternative clearinghouse solution. With only 35 business days left to ensure compliance with 5010 and Sage/Vitera dealing with a corporate state of flux — the time to take action is NOW. Take your 5010 compliance into your own hands. Call us today to learn about an alternative solution. Join our community of Medical Manager users at www.medicalmanagerusers.com