When a hospital replaces an old system with new, it may be at risk with how data from the legacy system is managed. According to state mandates, protected health information (PHI) must be retained for seven to 25 years depending on data type. Harmony Healthcare IT will attend, this week, the Indiana Rural Health Association Annual Conference as both a speaker and exhibitor. At the event, we will cover how EHR replacement directly impacts data retention policy at healthcare organizations. The presentation will be delivered by Scott Kidder, Director of Business Development at Harmony Healthcare IT and by Tara Williams, Director of Information Systems at Indiana University Health Bedford Hospital. The presentation will analyze four common strategies for managing legacy data. Each strategy will consider cost, risk and level-of-effort. Tara Williams will share how her organization recently ensured long-term and secure storage of protected health information while complying with policy, saving money and streamlining access. This session is intended for any hospital that has or will replace a information system. It will be especially useful for organizations in merger & acquisition mode. If you are attending the IRHA Annual Conference, please stop by and see a demonstration of Health Data Archiver at Booth #47.