Eight college students joined the Harmony Healthcare IT (HHIT) team this summer to gain firsthand experience they can apply in the classroom and in the real world. This is an increase of 50 percent over last summer and a testament that the program yields positive results for the company and the interns. It’s a win-win as the interns are able to jump right in and contribute to the real work the HHIT team conducts daily to deliver secure storage and long-term access to historical medical records. HHIT interns work directly with senior-level technicians to help healthcare providers preserve vital information from legacy patient and employee systems. For the company, the interns bring fresh ideas, perspectives and often experience with new technologies. “Our interns love that they can contribute from day one,” shared Laurie Seall, Manager of ETL & Data Services. “They play an important role working alongside our experts in data mining, mapping, archiving and implementation. We are excited to have these students here this summer and look forward to everything we will accomplish together.” The benefits for the interns may have long lasting results. Recently, the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University found that 63% of college graduates who had completed a paid internship received a job offer within six months of graduation, compared with 37% of those in an unpaid internship and 35% of those who didn’t have one at all. What’s more, graduates who completed a paid internship earned a higher starting salary. HHIT regularly seeks interns who are college students with a variety of majors that often include: computer information technology, pre-med, computer science, marketing, mathematics and informatics. In addition to the in-depth technical experience and access to healthcare data experts, HHIT offers interns an opportunity to participate in an engaging company culture with company-sponsored outings, recreational sports teams and volunteer activities that extend the opportunities to network and learn outside of the office. Looking for an Internship? Drop us a Line Harmony Healthcare IT regularly visits college campuses to meet and recruit students for internships and entry-level positions throughout the year within many areas of the company including database analysts, systems analysts and sales/marketing. For more information, or, to submit your resume for consideration, email us.