
Stay updated with health data management news and insights shared by the Harmony Healthcare IT team.

Pharmacies need access to legacy medical data

How Can a Specialty Pharmacy Access Complete Medical Records?

The number of specialty medications to treat complex conditions like cancer, multiple sclerosis, respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis...

Oct 16 3 min read

Ongoing Demand for Telehealth Drives Technology Investments in Canada

COVID-19 sparked an increase in the need for telehealth, with virtual care providers adapting and pivoting to...

Nov 11 4 min read

Reducing Cost in the Technical Transition of Hospital M&A

In the event of a merger or acquisition, one of the roles of the chief information officer...

Aug 05
Mergers and Acquisitions Management

Why Technology is an Essential Consideration in Healthcare Mergers &...

Each healthcare merger and acquisition transaction is different. One size does not fit all when it comes...

Jul 31
Doctor Holding Piggy bank

How Archiving Can Help the One-Third of Physician Practices Who...

About 30 percent of physician practices are replacing their current EHR by 2021 because they want to...

Apr 07
Making a business deal in a room with three people

Is athenahealth (or other EMR vendors) up for acquisition?

With more than 1,000 vendors offering solutions, the $28 billion electronic medical record (EMR) industry is competitive....

May 24

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