<a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/">Harmony Healthcare IT</a> (HHIT) will attend as an exhibitor at the <a href="https://www.nextgen.com/ugm" target="_blank" rel="noopener">NextGen ONE User Group Meeting</a> in Las Vegas, NV on November 2-5, 2014. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/health-data-archiver-at-nextgen-one-ugm-2014/#more-1542" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Health Data Archiver at NextGen ONE UGM 2014">(more…)</span></a>
<a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/">Harmony Healthcare IT</a> will attend, next week, the North Carolina Healthcare Information & Communications Alliance, Inc. (NCHICA) 20th Annual Conference & Exhibition as both a speaker and exhibitor. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/health-data-archiver-at-nchica-conference-oct-7-8/#more-1539" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Health Data Archiver at NCHICA Conference Oct 7-8">(more…)</span></a>
As technology evolves, IT Directors replace old technology with new. Due to cost and complexity, <em>complete</em> clinical data conversions from the old system to the new are atypical. This can result in a portfolio of read-only systems that carry <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/long-term-storage-of-phi-an-easy-to-use-patient-data-archive/#more-1536" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Long-term Storage of PHI: An Easy-to-Use Patient Data Archive">(more…)</span></a>
<a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/">Harmony Healthcare IT</a> is pleased to announce that it is exhibiting <a href="http://www.healthdataarchiver.com/" target="_blank">Health Data Archiver</a>, a long-term HIPAA-compliant storage solution for protected health information (PHI), at the 2014 Critical Access Conference for the <a href="http://www.torchnet.org/" target="_blank">Texas Organization of Rural & Community Hospitals</a>(TORCH). <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/patient-data-archiving-for-texas-rural-community-hospitals/#more-1532" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Patient Data Archiving for Texas Rural & Community Hospitals">(more…)</span></a>
When a hospital replaces an old system with new, it may be at risk with how data from the legacy system is managed. According to state mandates, protected health information (PHI) must be retained for seven to 25 years depending on data type. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/at-risk-the-impact-of-system-replacement-on-hospital-data-retention-policy/#more-1530" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading At Risk? The Impact of System Replacement on Hospital Data Retention Policy">(more…)</span></a>
<a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/">Harmony Healthcare IT</a>, a firm that safeguards patient data, ensures cash flow and increases staff productivity for healthcare organizations nationwide; offers a series of monthly webinars for ambulatory care settings. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/upcoming-health-it-webinar-events/#more-1526" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Upcoming Health IT Webinar Events">(more…)</span></a>
“Healthcare Legacy Data Management, an Overview of Data Archiving and System Decommissioning with Rick Adams” is the title of a new executive interview series published by Harmony Healthcare IT. <a href="https://www.harmonyhit.com/healthcare-legacy-data-management-interview-series-part-2/#more-1491" class="more-link"><span aria-label="Continue reading Healthcare Legacy Data Management Interview Series, Part 2">(more…)</span></a>