
Stay updated with health data management news and insights shared by the Harmony Healthcare IT team.

CMS Ends its Enforcement Discretion Period for 5010 on June...

As released by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today, CMS will end its enforcement...

Jun 07

5010 Enforcement Pushed Out to 06/30/12

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of E-Health Standards and Services (OESS) says it...

Mar 16

Vitera Cuts Employees Who Service Medical Manager Users

As we reported back in November, the healthcare division of Sage was purchased by a private equity...

Feb 13

MGMA to HHS: 5010 Causing Payment Issues for Medical Practices

MGMA sent a letter to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius,...

Feb 06

Version 5010: CMS 90-Day Enforcement Discretion Period

The Version 5010 (ASC X12 Version 5010) deadline was 1/1/12, but, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...

Jan 09

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Sage Gets Bought and Re-Named to Vitera. Will Medical...

Where do Medical Manager users stand for 5010 readiness in light of (yet another) corporate sale? Vista...

Nov 10

Less than 90 Business Days to Be 5010-Compliant

As of 01/01/12, only claims submitted electronically in the 5010 format will be accepted.   That means your...

Aug 30

To Keep or Replace Sage Medical Manager® to comply with...

Achieving meaningful use of an electronic health record (EHR) is not the only deadline facing medical practices....

Jul 27

5010 & ICD-10 Are Coming — Are You Ready?

ZirMed, our revenue cycle management partner, has made an online ”5010 Resource Center” available to you.  The site...

May 31

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