< Back to Resource Library Read Transcription You know, I’m a sales person. I have a unique perspective on how things work because I’m an interface between the organization and our, prospects and our clients. And I get to hear both the good and sometimes the not so good from our clients which we solicit because the only way you get better is uncovering the areas where you need to grow. So, from a products and services perspective, I hear all the time that our products are, you know, as good or better than anything that they’ve seen out in the market. And, you know, people will often ask me “Why you guys?” and I say the same thing every time it’s the three P’s it’s the people, the processes and the products, right? It’s the people that you’re interfacing with on a daily basis. It’s the processes that we use to get you from start to finish. But at the end of the day, it’s the product that your people are interfacing with. It’s how easy is it for you to use, right? How much training do you need to do for new employees, things of that nature. So, our product is ours, we develop it from the ground up, which is incredibly cool. You know, we don’t have people overseas that are using, you know, building our products and we have to phone it in and get an enhancement done. It’s our people and our building and it’s our solution and we weren’t KLAS category leader in 2020 for nothing. The Harmony Difference The ultimate client satisfaction hinges on a good product and a team who is passionate about their solutions. Suggested For You Measuring Quality and Deliverability of Projects to Exceed Expectations The Heart in Healthcare IT The Value of HITRUST Certification Healthcare IT Today: Harmony Healthcare IT Brings Archiving Solution to Canada Working at Harmony Healthcare IT - Mike Edmisten Was the Resource Helpful? Talk to the experts. Harmony Healthcare IT is an award-winning data management firm with a proven ability to extract, migrate and archive data with 100% integrity.