
Stay updated with health data management news and insights shared by the Harmony Healthcare IT team.

Physicians use Twitter to Promote their Practice and Communicate with...

In an article from American Medical News, it is reported that physicians using Twitter as a social...

Jul 07

MAC Fax Scam Alert

Watch out for fax requests from Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs). The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services...

Jun 22

Comment Opportunities on “Meaningful Use” for EHR

You can make a difference! As a provider and future user of electronic health record (EHR) technology,...

Jun 19

Medical Manager HL7 Interface to EMR

As users of The Medical Manager (r) practice management system evaluate electronic medical records (EMR), they may...

May 22

HITECH: An Interoperetta in Three Acts

Just saw a link to this very clever video on a healthcare IT blog that I read...

May 14

Red Flag Rule Affects Health Care Providers May 1

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) indicates that physicians providing services to patients without requiring payment in full at...

Apr 16

White House Discussion on Healthcare Reform

Nancy-Ann DeParle, the White House Director of the Office of Health Reform, met with representatives of healthcare...

Apr 13

MGMA CEO Advises to Take It Slow on Stimulus

In sharp contrast to advice from Stephen Lieber, president and CEO of the Healthcare Information and Management...

Mar 10

HIMSS IT Provision Summary of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

As you re-define the information technology strategy for your healthcare organization, you may find the HIMSS Summary...

Mar 09

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